An online dashboard to serve a myriad of council insight needs
Published on 03 July 2024
An analyst within council needed a variety of metrics for the various demands within council.
The challenge
Our local government client has many obligations to fulfil as the go to person in their research team.
As well as needing regular information to inform the performance of the city centre and their various business improvement districts, they also need to find information for a wide range of council-related projects.
The solution
Our Council Tool was designed especially with local government in mind.
The Tool provides:
Breakdown by precinct which allows council clients to provide reporting to their stakeholders easily;
Spend by day to ascertain the effectiveness of events such as closing the streets for the annual Christmas Parade and on policies such as the Easter Sunday Trading;
Breakdown by time of day to understand the strength of the workweek and night-time economies;
The ability to understand drivers of spend by filtering against all combinations of time, location, origin and storetype;
The measurement of inflow and outflow which can influence development decisions, and the ability to benchmark against other similar councils.
The outcome
The council is made up of various teams. Having several logins means they can work in their own silos and yet access the same information to sing off the same song sheet.
Our client also closely monitors their retail performance and uses the trends and quirks found in the data to commission other projects that deep dives into the where, who and why.
This Tool is comprehensive. Its near perfect rate of renewal is proof of its effectiveness.